Green Light For Migraine!

Have you heard of green light therapy?

This is a 100% green light therapy lamp AND when you flip it over is an actual normal lamp too!!

A bonus it only costs $149, gives you free shipping AND if you message me now I can save you an ADDITIONAL $25 off!!

They then wanted to discover a way to make this affordable for #chronicpain warriors!

Introducing the Allay lamp!

There is no magic or luck in the discovery of the Allay light. It is based on scientific evidence from nearly ten years of research at Harvard Medical School.

It generates smaller electrical signals in the eye and brain. Smaller signals mean a calmer brain.

Finally you CAN ESCAPE THE DARKNESS! You don’t have to curl up in the dark.

Allay’s gentle glow is easy on your eyes and brain so you can get back to the activities you love.

Now I know you are thinking, “Can’t I just buy a green lightbulb?!”

The answer is NO because those lightbulbs are actually a mix of blue and yellow light. That is actually what makes the green hue.

I didn’t know that until I heard it on the Spotlight on Migraine podcast.

April 21st they put out an episode on Understanding Migraine & Light Sensitivity: Implications of Green Light.

While everyone squints in the bright sun, some people – often those with #migraine, #clusterheadaches, #braintrauma or #dryeyes – are extremely sensitive to even small amounts of light. 

Fortunately, Dr. Rami Burstein has discovered a precise narrow band of natural light that lets you see and function without the discomfort of everyday light: the Allay band of light.

Click the link below to instantly save!

Plus SEND this your migraine friends! Sharing is CARING!

A New Journey Awaits!

Always follow your intuition. It is your guiding energy & knows best.⠀

I recently made a hard decision in my life.⠀

Instead of being asked why or what I was going through, I was met with being blocked by two people I thought were my friends.⠀

As well the news being broken to my clients before I was ready to tell them. ⠀

See I was still processing the decision myself.⠀

Where my anxiety has been super high and my depression very bad, I knew taking care of me is what my therapist would say to do first.⠀

Then I was planning on telling everyone, but it didn’t happen that way and I keep reminding myself:⠀

Everything happens for a reason in the way it is supposed to.⠀

This new phase and move in my life simply shows who my real friends are.⠀

You are thinking, “Okay, what is she getting at?”⠀

I am no longer a coach for the platform of Team BeachBody.⠀

Totally keeping their workouts because they are bomb and I love the 2B Mindset nutrition plan, but I am not using their platform to mentor women anymore.⠀

I decided it was time to branch out and grow my community even bigger because I know people have wanted to work with me OUTSIDE the USA, Canada & UK or people that couldn’t afford the packages I was offering before.⠀

Now I control my pricing and I am creating a calm, safe haven community where HEALING occurs.⠀

Safe, private, non-judgmental community!⠀

Introducing the NEW Still I Rise on Mighty Networks platform!⠀

Mental health matters and we tackle the hard shit because that’s where growth happens!⠀

Your support is helping support a private, safe community where we can grow together.⠀

With this community being off Facebook it allows you to take a break from the traditional social media if you want and focus on your growth.⠀

With supporting this group it encourages you to show up for yourself in any way you can because it’s all about celebrating our little wins each day.⠀

This is a place where women from all walks of life like chronic pain, domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse or any situation where they are ready to start rising above their traumas. ⠀

I want to see YOU there!⠀

Click the link below NOW!

You Can’t Run Your Business Alone!

You’re building a brand in this new age, but know you cannot do it alone.

You know inside you have come to a point where you are unable to do all the tasks as only one person while your business is exploding with new clients & jobs.

*In I Walk*🚶‍♀️

Let me introduce 👋🏻 myself! If you are new here the first thing you are going to learn is that I am constantly growing & leveling up my life.

🧡 My name is Isabelle (not Elizabeth or Isabella), 26 years young and residing in the beautiful now turning cold state of New Hampshire in the United States; born & raised!

❤️ Fun Fact: I have never traveled out of the country, never been to Canada, never seen a palm tree & don’t even have a passport 😂 #countryliving at its finest!

💛 I have been #dairyfree for over 15 years & #glutenfree for the last 4 years due to food sensitivities.

💚 In 2017, I took control of my health, lost 62 lbs, maintained it through #chronicpain #migraine & learned to intuitively listen to my body.

💜 I have invested $$$ in the last 3 years to develop my skills on all things building a brand, social media, being a better coach, client serving content & being the first to hop on the train of new products Instagram launches.

💙 I have had numerous brands reach out to work because they love the energy that comes from my page of consistency, positivity & building a level of trust with my followers.

Let me help YOU build YOUR BRAND & tackle some of the administrative assistant tasks you need to outsource to help save you time to put back into your clients!

Click the link in below now for my UpWork profile to see if we are a good fit to work together!

Accepting short & long-term projects!

No Booze Babe!!

Have you recently made the choice to try the no booze lifestyle or been kicking it as an OG for awhile?

Or you may be peeking at this with curiosity, thinking about trying to go no booze, but never committed to it.

Either way, I am SO glad that you are here right now! That our paths have crossed and aligned.

Trust me, I was not always a no booze, fun loving babe. In fact, there were many times my actions spoke so poorly I should have thought about quitting sooner.

To the the extent that, I hate to admit it, I drank before, even during and after work. There were times I drove when I knew I probably shouldn’t.

I don’t say this to hear your judgement because we have all been young once and done things we regret; we are human.

If I had not said yes to this coaching opportunity with BeachBody and invested the $170 in myself when the timing was horribly wrong, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Again, I am not perfect, I drank well into my first year of coaching even while focusing on taking care of myself.

It’s a coach that I met along this journey that inspired me to take a deeper action in my life.

Kandace is a upline coach on our bigger team which means she like my grandma in the coaching world. Her no sober life she shared on her Instagram openly which helped me realize it could be done.

I always thought that the no booze life meant I was going to be lame, boring and no one would want to hang out with me.

Alcohol was how I learned to cope for my pain since probably around the age of 16. I watched my parents lean on it during their hard times. I saw them use it when they celebrated or when they just needed to unwind.

I saw the anger it could bring out, the fights, the screaming and the pain left after in its place. I watched it all, so in a sense it does not surprise me it was my chosen vice.

I remember the day my great grandmother died I sneaked away after I saw her alive last and got drunk with friends. When my mom texted me of her passing it was even more of a reason to keep drinking.

I just didn’t want to feel the weight of the pain of life anymore. Not just of her death, but also learning to navigate life after coming out about the sexual abuse by my biological father and how the courts let him go.

Then dealing with accepting the sexual touching by my step father while he was black out drunk. I knew it was real and happening but I tried to push it aside. It was hard to accept the fact that he would do it after he saw me struggle with the pain of watching my biological father walk free.

Plus at the age of 15/16, I was more concerned with my survival and I feared if I spoke out about my step father at that point I would not be believed. I was scared I would have to live under a roof of disbelief or be kicked out to figure life out on the streets for myself.

Obviously it was easier to get my hands on alcohol once I turned 21, but it doesn’t make all the experiences as real as they are.

In 2018, I decided to break the family generations of leaning on alcohol when times got hard and took my break from alcohol.

It was a hard break up and there are still moments where it feels like almost giving in to text a ex boyfriend.

But I always stay strong and keep pushing forward.

I am choosing to stay away for good and have no plans of going back to that lifestyle.

I was able to do this because I had the tools: a supportive virtual community, at home workouts, learning to eat more healthier to appreciate my body and tons of personal growth.

Without those, I honestly don’t think I would have made it this far plus it brought my closest friends into my life as well!

I will never say it was an easy route, but it’s been a beautiful destination of self-discovery.

My first tip is follow this podcast called Take A Break From Drinking With Rachel Hart.

She covers such a variety of topics that people starting on that no booze life may run into or struggle with during this new lifestyle change.

The second tip is to start exploring fun no booze drinks!! I have listed some of my favorites that I have discovered along my journey, but also head over to Instagram and follow @noboozebabes plus their new YouTube channel as well under the same name!

They share a bunch of these no booze beverages, where they personally find them and mocktail recipes! They even created a parody to the song Thank You Next about loving the no booze life!

You could even have fun with your other fav booze activities like no liquor Jell-O shots, frozen fruit icy drinks or even play “beer bong” with something tangy like kombucha or bubbly Zevia!

The only people who are judging you about not drinking is the little, mean girl in the back of our heads and the ones who aren’t really meant to be in our lives as we grow blossoming into a new person.

So remove yourself from situations where you feel triggered to grab a drink until you have more self-control, find other means of releasing angry emotions and have the courage to plan ahead to bring your own drinks!

I brought my own kombucha beverages to my best friend’s wedding and other occasions when I want to be able to chill with everyone else and enjoy a drink too!

You can even take it up a level like I did and serve it to yourself it in a fancy glass! Feel that high vibrational life and energy! You deserve it babe!

Featuring gluten and dairy free cupcakes made by our friend and my client, Rebecca from Becca’s Tasty Treats!

Favorite No Booze Brands To Bring To The Party:

Zevia their root beer in particular tastes exactly like the real thing minus all the sugar and “stuff”. I have even seen a post on their Instagram where someone made a ROOT BEER FLOAT with it!

Kevita Kombucha: I recently just enjoyed their raspberry lemon and pineapple peach flavors, yum! They even have a taste guide on the side of the label: light & refreshing, bold & smooth plus sweet & tangy with so many different flavors!

Health•ade Kombucha!

Aqua Vitea Kombucha especially because they are based in my state’s twin called Vermont! They even have a CBD blend version!

⁃ GT’s Synergy Raw Kombucha!


Talk to you soon!!

What My Clients Say About Me As Their Coach:

I am in better shape at 40 than I have been in my life! I’m so grateful you introduced me to this program. I love how genuine and thoughtful you are. No matter what you have going on, you always find time to check on others and send your love and support.




You taught me how to love myself. I’m so grateful for you in my life!


Who Is Isabelle?!

This blog is built with the hope that it inspires you to take ACTION in your life.

Don’t be afraid to dream. Don’t be afraid to laugh and be your bold, goddamn beautiful self!

I am going to introduce myself because well hey  this is our first post in a new space.

I’m Isabelle, 26 years old, a Gemini plus born and raised in New Hampshire with three years side tracked in Vermont.

Yes, I know there will be some people already Googling where in the world New Hampshire, USA is which makes me realize how powerful the internet is in connecting us from all over.

The downside to this beautiful state is as soon as October hits, the air gets brisk and soon enough that damn snow returns.

You would think after 26 years I would be adjusted to this, but no…it still seems to surprise and bum me out every year.

I’m a lover of bright colors, sunflowers, crime shows and have a major obsession with cats!

I struggle with hobbies, we will save the reason for another post, so I am a soul searching lady – discovering what I love.

One hobby, I will talk about more in another post, tape off painting has become something fun I’ve been playing around with.

We gotta work that creative muscle to keep it working!

I have two fur babies of my own. A tuxedo, female that is my princess named Belle and a more skittish male cat that loves my boyfriend named Finn both adopted as rescues.

My boyfriend and I have been together for six years with no plans on marriage or kids in the near future.

We reside on the outskirts of a small town where if you stop to listen you can hear the crickets chirping at almost any time of the day.

I live a gluten and dairy free life following an amazing nutrition plan created by Ilana Muhlstein, registered dietician, called 2B Mindset.

Want to know more about that?! Contact me for the amazing deets!

Another thing to be added to the future blog posts list which is already getting long (inside chuckle).

Also I am so in love with animals that I seriously wish I could pet every single damn one!

I have a severed connection from my biological and step father along with my mother as well. One of the hardest decisions I ever made, but I don’t allow toxic energy in the form of people to be in my life.

Ever since I took control of my health back in August of 2017, I am choosy with who I surround myself with and who gets my time.

Being on a personal growth journey has allowed me to start to align with my inner self and what she needs to thrive rather than simply living. On top of building a business from my phone where I help others do the same!

I have been in therapy for over a year officially and have started taking the small steps in trauma healing as well.

I’m an advocate for rape and sexual abuse survivors on top of mental health awareness and pro medication with breaking the stigma around taking them.

At the end of 2018, some crazy things happened with my health and I thought it was only stress induced due to running a cellphone store alone as the only employee.

Though after a job and career change, the neurological disorder called chronic intractable migraine still took control of my health and routine by the end of 2019.

The last 10 months have been spend honestly surviving, juggling appointments, hospital stays and doctors who can’t agree with each other.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I am always reminding people to think perspective and finding the little things to be grateful for.

Alright this is all I can manage for now!! You now have a snapshot of who I am as a person!

Talk to you soon!!


P.S. I also have been a no booze babe since 2018!

What People Say About Me As Their Coach:

Regained the confidence to love myself again.


I wouldn’t have any friends at all if it weren’t for this community. You are so super supportive and are a daily inspiration!


I wouldn’t know how to pick myself after the times where I fall down. You showed me how to work on myself with resources at my disposal and gave me the guidance to be the best me.


I wouldn’t have what I do now if it wasn’t for you Izzy! You are one of my best and brightest blessings.


Let’s build something by working 1:1 together!